
View functions which handle openid authentication and their related callbacks



A view which handles Openid front-channel logout notifications by logging out the current session


The view which handles initiating a login.


The view which handles login callbacks.


The view which handles logging a user out.

class simple_openid_connect.integrations.django.views.FrontChannelLogoutNotificationView(**kwargs)#

A view which handles Openid front-channel logout notifications by logging out the current session

class simple_openid_connect.integrations.django.views.InitLoginView(**kwargs)#

The view which handles initiating a login.

It essentially redirects the user agent to the Openid provider.

class simple_openid_connect.integrations.django.views.LoginCallbackView(**kwargs)#

The view which handles login callbacks.

It handles an authentication response from the Openid provider that is encoded in the current url by either logging the user in or rendering the error.

Error rendering can be customized by overwriting the template simple_openid_connect/login_failed.html which receives the context token_response of type TokenErrorResponse.

class simple_openid_connect.integrations.django.views.LogoutView(**kwargs)#

The view which handles logging a user out.