
Exceptions that are raised at various parts of this library.



A previous authentication attempt has failed

ImpossibleOperationError(msg, *data)

This error indicates that an intended operation could not be performed because it is not possible under the current configuration

OpenidProtocolError(msg, *data)

A generic error that is raised when the OpenID protocol was irrecoverably violated

UnsupportedByProviderError(msg, *data)

This error indicates that a desired feature is not supported by the OpenID Provider


A validation failed

exception simple_openid_connect.exceptions.AuthenticationFailedError(error: AuthenticationErrorResponse)#

A previous authentication attempt has failed

__init__(error: AuthenticationErrorResponse)#
exception simple_openid_connect.exceptions.ImpossibleOperationError(msg: str, *data: Any)#

This error indicates that an intended operation could not be performed because it is not possible under the current configuration

exception simple_openid_connect.exceptions.OpenidProtocolError(msg: str, *data: Any)#

A generic error that is raised when the OpenID protocol was irrecoverably violated

__init__(msg: str, *data: Any) None#
exception simple_openid_connect.exceptions.UnsupportedByProviderError(msg: str, *data: Any)#

This error indicates that a desired feature is not supported by the OpenID Provider

exception simple_openid_connect.exceptions.ValidationError(msg: str)#

A validation failed

__init__(msg: str)#